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President's Welcome
Hubei Britain Business Association (HBBA) is an independent, non-political and non-profit organisation, founded by entrepreneurs and leading members of companies and institutions who are living in the UK, or engaging in Sino-British business activities either in Britain or in Hubei Province.
We provide a unique platform to promote trade cooperation, business links and cultural exchange between Hubei and Britain, to facilitate business development opportunities, investments, and mutual understanding and build an innovative and effective partnership between the UK and Hubei. We offer access to the latest resources, networking, information and the exchange of best practices in China and the UK
HBBA has attracted a great number of Hubei people in Britain since its founding. We have over 300 members range from small business, start ups, successful entrepreneurs and large corporations and professionals and experts from in the fields as wide as finance, education, arts, retail, medicine, IT, biotechnology and other high technology.